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82 Movie Reviews

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Deserves every one of them 10 stars.

Very nice take on the madness concept, great fbf, great concept, great story, great everything.

I will only point 1 thing out, sometimes it was hard to read the text, maybe 0.5 to 1 second longer at times would be nice.

Can't really complain about anything else, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.

tomtyke responds:

i'm actually going to be using text bubbles,and i'm giving them faces, so their mouths actually move, so it's much easier to read the text as it's given in much more managable chunks with a nice, almost comic-book style flare to it

The ending :/

I am VERY disappointed with the ending... :(

The whole thing was fucking amazing, beyond amazing. I felt fear for the guy who was being tormented, I felt sad when his dog died.

But at the end, you showed the 'killers', this animation would of had a much more mysterious ending if you didn't see the furries kill him :/ just cut off before it shows them.

But seriously, that had something A LOT of people don't have, character. You feel the loneliness of the man, you feel his connection with the dog, you feel his fear.

I love your work man! You are a fucking beyond great animator!


Who needs a house when you can have a pirate ship and a giant stone robot to defend it, ohh and a snowman with a stone machine gun. :3

As always, your animations never cease to make me laugh.
Great voices, great animation, bloody brilliant!

My Minecraft house is made out of solid diamond with gold floors ;3


you sir, get a 10/10 and 5/5 for the:

To much frame by frame. :D

I'm sorry but I must give this a 10.

2/10 for everything, sound, effort, graphics.

I must admit I lol'ed at how terrible it was.

But it had Garfield in it, so I must give it a 10, sorry!


the only reson im giving this a 10 is beacuase the voices where pretty good. but thats it!


I actually really enjoy these Object series that you guys make, this one has to be the best so far.

The voice acting and voice quality is fucking amazing!

Loved it!

Nice and fluent especially for something that's stop motion! The dragon had great detail.

I didn't mind downloading 9.9mb for something like this, was well worth every Mb :).

Please-o-please make moar!

Loved it.

Been aaagggesss since I have wrote a review, this film was so great that I logged on just to write a review :)!

The animation was great, you perfectly re-created the hectic speed and craziness of sonic. Mixed together with the fast paced music and sprite style this animation is well fitting to be in the sonic collection; just a shame it isn't :/

Loved every second of it, great, great film, you should be very proud of yourself for creating such a masterpiece.

Nice :D

Very nice with good storyline and detail. I like the style.

The only thing i can complain about is lack of a menu. And the all important "I was lazy and only watch half of the video and would like to watch the other half now." button.

"If there is no god, who pops up the next tissue in the tissue box?"

Kieren Boal @digitalk

Age 31, Male

Lazy animater/coder

Some shit tip of a school.


Joined on 12/16/06

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