View Profile digitalk
"If there is no god, who pops up the next tissue in the tissue box?"

Kieren Boal @digitalk

Age 31, Male

Lazy animater/coder

Some shit tip of a school.


Joined on 12/16/06

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digitalk's News

Posted by digitalk - January 7th, 2011

God, it's been a inactive year. Working around 40 hours a week delivering pizza's to the fat scum of Woodridge, ohh well.

School's finished, now I have several hours a day to play with, guess it's time for me to pull Portal Madness 2 out of my ass?

Screen shot of the protagonist, and the Apature Portal Gun. Everything is being drawn from scratch, somehow using a sprite sheet for this... well would be lazy and grossly unfair, so newly drawn madness characters for me :P.

Portal Madness 2

Posted by digitalk - November 28th, 2009

Well, haven't made a post in AGES! So i guess an update is an given. I screaped that distance game, to complicated lol. Now i'm on the verge of makeing a multi player stick killing game, similar to stick soldiers, however this will have vastly better graphics and better weapons.

So far there are 8 weapons, 9 is being worked on. 1 level. Player one and 2 can kill eachoter. Death and HP loss for jumping to high of distance, blood with physics (Basicly talking, the blood bounces after it hits the ground! Don't worry, its cool!) probably some other shit as well, but too dammn tired to bother.

HOPES: Level editor and AI added within the next 2 weeks, but we all know thats not going to happen, yet. =3

So yea, all rejoice and check this sweet ass scrennie that i have blessed you with!

Yes its bland at the moment, but those are placeholders, just there so i can later make them sexy!

New stick game

Posted by digitalk - May 25th, 2009

Well i have been busy designing a distance game, it is still in its supah crappy beta stage, however all the physics have almsot been finalised and all i need to do is fancy up the game, hopefull it will be done within a few weeks or less, I hope lol!

A new distance game! :D

Posted by digitalk - April 20th, 2009

I got banned from the bbs because I replied to someone on a "spam" topic. I didn't know it was spam, i thought the guy had the download riddled with viruses, so i said iin 1 post he would get banned, and another saying that downloading it would be stupid as it most likely contains key traces ect.

Do you think i was banned fairly?

Heres what the message said:

ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 7 days. You have 6 days, 20 hours, 57 minutes and 16 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: You have been banned for posting in a spam thread, entitled "How To Get Adobe Flash Cs3 For Free." This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

Do you think this was fair?

Posted by digitalk - April 1st, 2009

Lmao ur all idiots, this is a joke!! Lmao Lmao

last year it was numa-numa grounds (or whats that 07 or 06?)

lies and slander. cought you out tom fulp!

wow, it also adds in extra words into my posts, such as "giggle and chairman*. you did all this to fool the NG users, great job fulpy boy!

lets try this again. fucking word changing.

apr1l f00lz day! they differented this internet site to change in to look like china had taken over. lies and slander mr fulp. btw, nice filter XD!

Posted by digitalk - January 12th, 2009

Duration So Far: 25.6 seconds

Frames: 1023 frames

Fraps: 40

This is a new post with a new picture..... updates are for poor people who cant afford new posts!

Like the new protagonist?

Portal Madness: An Update!

Posted by digitalk - January 7th, 2009

Portal Madness 2 is under way. 19.3 seconds in - 773 frames - 40 frames per second.

this is a screenie of him entering his first portal.

P.S: Comments on the protagonist, does he look good? or what can be changed? are the portals better then before? is the portal gun (Which i drew myself :3) look better?

Portal Madness 2 is born!!!!

Posted by digitalk - December 31st, 2008

Enjoy this screen grab of my up and comeing animation: Portal Madness. It will feature Portals, and madness... yes, yes! And lots of blood, don;t forget about the blood!

-Portal Madness-

Posted by digitalk - November 1st, 2008

My new fav word is Roflcopter. enjoy!

Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter! Roflcopter..... if only life was this easy? lol!

Posted by digitalk - September 3rd, 2008

Its all i can say... what is your say?

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