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Wow, this was way more then i expected from the title. Just love the beat and rythm to the animation!

P.S: I animate at 40-44 fraps usualy, but i know stick ones of this quality are way harder to produce, i can see the sheer effort you have put into this!

KobraEditing responds:

Thank you!

Nice again

Great episode once again, and i see that they are being pumped out a tad bit faster.

1 comment on it is that you had swearing in it this time at the end. Although i dont mind that some catface fans however may not.

other then that it was awsomes.

Simply a masterpiece.

I saw thiis on madness day but didnt comment, so I think its about time I do XD.

I can't speak for most people when I say the "rough" look is simply a masterpiece, its very styalised with epic effects where they are needed.

I simply just can't explain in words how great this animation is. It deserves everything it gets and then some!!1!1one!1!!shift+one!1!!

lols @ armagedon tool - Property of united states of america.

Nice nice

As usual a masterpiece to behold, very fluient animation, 2 people killing like 10 people is hard to do! and you did it! great, great job. although i didnt like the whole mega crab arm thing, that was like, wtf?

in the next one some storyline would be good, such as, "why are they helping him?

final thougs: Great animation, great art, great music and only a few ideas i didnt like. 5/5 10/10 <wish it could be 100/10 lol.


An Epic, Epic, Super Epic fight, loved the effects! (BTW, where do you get em? I have a small flash file with a few effects, but not as many as you have in this animation)

Movements and animation were flawless, and it was very much like mortal combat. BUT! the ending went on to long (When he did that fly punch thing, it was to long)

And the dialogue, it kinda killed the fast pace near the end. so yea, but nether the less, great, great animation! You deserve all the 3 awwards, and more!

Great, but

Block head doesnt seem to be like he used to? Hes now seems like he has mental problems, unlike before when he just had something like ADHD and was ignorant. Please go back to what made block head truley epicly funy, dont get me wrong, he still is funny, but try doing what ya used to do. :-)

Other then that, a great new episode full of blockieness :P (gotta love that word), well animated, very well infact. Love the use of the close up of the wevil while his in the mental ward, i belive you have the flashing ability to make mainstream programes for tv, *hint, hint*....... Make block head for tv :3.




Kinda sums up Mario in a minute. I watched this a few times, and i must admit it was kinda funny!

And those of you bitching bout "O y did it get front page *cry, cry*". Well, i don't see you doing anything about it if your so damn concerned, make your own animations and try to top this and get front page your self, other then that stop bitching! This animation well deserves front page,

And it really comes down to the NG mods if they decide to put this on Front Page, so there must of been a reason to it being here.


A powerfull and poetic peice.

This animation was a master piece in its own, with violence and spots of humor, you well deserved the score, front page and the awards. you have some seriously great talent! Keep the great work up!!!

Ioved every second of this animation, and how you ended it, a massive cliff hanger final eppisode i guess?

I loled at the deli owner, CHICKEN DRUMSTICK ATTACK!

That was a parody to be hold! ^_^

Taking madness to the opposite extreme. I really enjoyed the whole idea of non violence. who could guess? madness could be non violent!

A waste

This animation doesnt deserve this score, it has been highly inflated....

all this was, was a movie clip tweened and masked... nothing special...

555exe responds:


"If there is no god, who pops up the next tissue in the tissue box?"

Kieren Boal @digitalk

Age 31, Male

Lazy animater/coder

Some shit tip of a school.


Joined on 12/16/06

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